Creating Python packages Tutorial: The Creating Python packages are a way of structuring packages and modules which helps in a well-organized hierarchy of data set.
It makes the directories and modules easy to access like different drives and folders in an OS to help us store files. Packages will help us in storing sub-packages and modules used by the user when necessary.
We will store all files in the computer at the same location and use a well-organized hierarchy of directories for accessing purpose.
The program grows large size with a lot of modules when placed in the same module.
They are placed in one package and different modules in different packages.
They contain subdirectories and files as a python package as a sub-package and modules.
They contain a file named as a package and left empty.
We create files to package and prepare it for distribution also creates the new files as,
The tests/ is a placeholder for unit files and leave it empty.
We create as it is build script and tell about your package as well as which code files to include.
We open and then enter the following content.
Also, update the package name to include the username that ensures you have a unique package name.
We import the modules from packages using the .dot operator.
Import game.level.start
The module will contain a function as select_difficulty ().
Game.level.start.select_difficulty (2)
Start.select_difficulty (2).
We create a package using the following steps-
def SayHello (name):
print("Hello” + name)
def sum(x, y):
return x+y
def average(x, y):
return (x+y)/2
def power(x, y):
return x**y
We create a package called mypackage. pp>python
We then import the function module from the mypackage package and call its power () function.
We can import specific functions from a module in the
The package contains a special file called that stores the package's content.
The interpreter recognizes a folder as the package if it contains file.
The will expose specific resources from modules to be imported.
An empty file will make all functions from modules available when this package is imported.
We will create in the MyApp folder to test mypackage as,
from mypackage import power, average, SayHello
SayHello ()
x=power (3, 2)
print ("power (3, 2): ", x)
After creating the package it can be installed for system-wide use by running the setup script.
Here the script will call setup () function from the setuptools module.
We save the code as in the parent folder 'MyApp' and the script calls the setup () function from the setuptools module.
The setup () function will take the various arguments as name, version, author.
The zip_safe argument will define the package is it installed in compressed mode or regular mode.
from setuptools import setup
setup (name='mypackage',
description='Testing installation of Package',
packages= ['mypackage'],
We create a directory that gives package names, related to its operation and then we put the classes.
Then create an file inside the directory to know the directory is a package.
Example of Creating Package:-
Here we create a directory and name it Cars then create modules. To do this we then we need to create a file with the name
Create its content by code,
class Bmw:
def __init__ (self):
self.models = ['i8', 'x1', 'x5', 'x6']
def outModels (self):
print(‘these are the available models for BMW')
for model in self.models:
print('\t%s ' % model)
After this we will create another file with the name and add the same type of code with different members.
class Audi:
def __init__ (self):
self.models = ['q7', 'a6', 'a8', 'a3']
def outModels (self):
print('These are the available models for Audi')
for model in self.models:
print('\t%s ' % model)
The next file is created with the name and adds the similar type of code to it with different members.
class Nissan:
def __init__ (self):
self.models = ['altima', '370z', 'cube', 'rogue']
def outModels (self):
print('These are the available models for Nissan')
for model in self.models:
Print ('\t%s ' % model)
Lastly we will create the file and this file will be placed inside Cars directory.
from Bmw import Bmw
from Audi import Audi
from Nissan import Nissan
We use the package created and to do this we make a file in the same directory.
from Cars import Bmw
from Cars import Audi
from Cars import Nissan
ModBMW = Bmw ()
ModBMW.outModels ()
ModAudi = Audi ()
ModAudi.outModels ()
ModNissan = Nissan ()
ModNissan.outModels ()