Learn how to build a website using python

Learn how to build a website using python | make website using python. There are many frameworks and each has their strengths and weaknesses. So according to the project you should select the framework. The python language is quick and easy to learn. Also flexible and general-purpose programming language. This language is pretty and easy to understand for the development. The basic skill to learn is the HTML language.HTML is the hypertext markup language and defines the elements present on the web page. The CSS knowledge is also an important one and the last is javascript. The web application is created by HTML, CSS and the Javascript language. In the python language, we can create the database to perform activities as the retrieve information, and the output of webpage. There is a large number of frameworks for the creation of the websites. Selecting of the best framework is very important and the popularity. The important is that the maintenance of the framework and the missing document.

how to build a website using python

build a website using python

For the web development purpose python language is used for creating high function and business applications.
This language is also used for web development projects for big and small companies.
The developer has to write the code in the python programming language to handle the requests.
The web development languages are used to create the web pages and write the same code again and again for web apps that you are building.
The repetitive task of the code is combined and put into a bunch of files.
This bunch of files is called the flask and the flask framework is loaded in the python programming.
This loaded framework is we install pip in command line and download the flask.

Following shows the frameworks used for the development of the websites,

  1. Cubic web
  2. Web2py
  3. Pyramid
  4. Django
  5. TurboGearsAPI
  6. Mansonite
  7. Tornado
  8. Falcon
  9. Fast

The explanation of the frameworks is given as follows:-

  1. Pyramid:-

It is a flexible web framework like the Django and aimed at high scale applications.
You can also use a pyramid in the place of the Django and use a single solution for a task.
The web development is like the routing and authentication process.

1. Flask:-

The flask is micro-framework and suited for small scale applications.
Flask is integrated and includes unit testing and build in development applications.
The features in the flask are unit testing and the development of the server that you create for the web applications.
It is measured as the pythonic and Django for web application.
This is easy to get started for beginner and code for receiving a simple app and running.

2. Web2py:-

The framework web2py is lightweight, simple and compatible with Google app and follows the simplicity of web app.
It will add URI for the exception handling and routing purposes.
This framework is used for the better balance between easy and powerful work.
The frameworks with the stuff are present and work.
The basic frame with stuff for the development of the website makes it easy to learn by freedom.
The web2py is also called as the full stack and the powerful framework.

3. Django:

The popular framework in python is the Django and aimed in larger applications.
It will take the batteries that are included and things needed for web development.
The Django is high-level web framework that enables development and design. The care is taken for aggravation of web development.
The fluency is provided for free and open-source nature.
The framework will help python for the web development purpose.
Also use the HTML, CSS in the pythonic way to design the web page.

4. TurboGears:-

The Python language is used to build at the server side web application and the web frame is not required to build the application.
They are not used in the web browsers and python is executed in browsers as the crome, firefox using the javascript.


The numpy is the numeric python library used for performing mathematical and logical operations on the arrays. It will contain multidimensional array and collection of routines for the processing.

6. Matplotlib:-

The plotting library will allow graph and plot using python scripts.
This will support the graphs and plots which include bar charts.

7. Pandas:-

This is open source library and provides easy to use data and data analysis. The use of the commercial domains is finance, statistics, etc.

8. Bottle:-

It is the web framework used as distribution in single file module with dependencies of the standard library.

9. Cherrypy:-

It means the Create, retrieve, update and delete the functionalities for application. It will also help in the project management from the user’s browser.

10. Falcon:-

The framework is micro and used for developing small scale applications.
The web frame that will encourage the REST architectural style and has  the number of add-ons.


The following are the steps for creating the websites using python language:-

The steps 1 for creating website using python is,

  1. Create the empty file:-It should have the code and saved the code by extension as .py before running it.

from flask importFlask
app=Flask (_name_)
@app.route (‘/’)
defhome ():
return”Website content goes here.”
app.run (debug=True)
The code is employing the flask and framework and takes the web application that is generated using python.

  1. The second step is running the code by localhost.After doing this we will get the look of website and then call the website. You can also simply install pip at command prompt.

Then the function will return an output to URL.

  1. The process is continued and code is given as follows:-

From flask importFlask, render_template
@app.route (‘/’)
defhome ():
return render_template (“home.html”)

  1. The care is taken while creating folder and the same dictionary of python language.

Also the need of HTML file is important and it is simple way to create the website using python.

Tips are as follows:-

                                       Install pip install virtualenvpython-m venfoldername
The building website using means mounting it online so the user will visit through public address.
The heroku cloud is used for this purpose creating account to access free hosting plan.
Then go to the website using tools like Heroku Toolbelt.
The use of web development:-

  1. It is highly flexible
  2. Maintainable features
  3. The resources and libraries are many
  4. The deployment time is less than the others.
  5. The front end is the client end and the back end is the server side.

The applications are as follows:-

  1. Real estate:-

The real estate website is projects can use the website for the earning income source.

  1. The hospital management:-

The management system is used to manage the outflow and the inflow of data.
The tasks carried out in the hospitals are also an important ones.

  1. Hotel booking software:-

The dynamic and creative booking is done in this software using the website and contact.
We have to study the MCV i.e. the Model view controller framework system.
It will have python based frameworks as HTML, CSS, and javascript.
There are many examples of python websites because it is an easy language.

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