Difference between java and python | python vs java

Difference between java and python | python vs java : The Difference between java and python language differ in some aspects. The java language does not compare with the bytecode like python. The java language use brace for the functionality and python language used whitespace to indicate the start and end of the code. The closing braces of python are the same as the opening curly braces of java. The java language is strongly typed language and python is its reverse. The java programming language will create the work and python does not. The python language is fast and easy to develop with the YMMV. Java language is a long and target-oriented operating system.

difference between java and python

The difference between the languages is the handling variables.

  1. The java language is based on the static type declares a variable and not allow to change type in the program. The python language is dynamic type and reduces risk and easy to create a new variable.
  2. The java language uses curly braces at the beginning and end of the function .And python language uses the indentation to separate code into blocks.
  3. The java language is used to create the platform and JVM to run any application. Also, python programs are ruined using the compilers and covert python code into under stable code.
  4. For beginners, python is the best language to learn and java is popular to develop the applications for the android app.

Python vs Java



The JDBC is the java database connectivity and widely used to connect with the database.

The access layer is weaker in the python language so used rarely.

In the project-based applications, the java language is best.

The sped of the program execution is slow because python acts as the interpreter.

The JVM is available called as the Java virtual machine available everywhere.

This is also portable but while comparing with java it is not popular.

The syntax is hard and something missing in syntax will through an error.

In this syntax is simple and the semicolon is not needed.

Not easy to use as compared to the python language

The codes are simple and short than java so it is easy to use.

It is statically typed oop language.

It is dynamically typed language






Easy to use and learn

It is very complex and includes the learning curve.


Very popular

Very popular

Game development

Pandas 3d,cocos


Machine learning libraries



Backend frameworks



Cross platform


JVM thanks


Slow than java

It is fast

Java vs Python jobs

The java, as well as the python both languages, is helpful for getting the job in the market. The languages are great and serve in each and every company with the best applications. The java language is from the past but the python is easy so growing very faster. The Python language is productive language and java is not.
The code in the python language is very simple and small than the java language

java vs python job

The job profiles for the python fresher’s are as follows:-

  1. Data scientist
  2. Software developer
  3. Research analyst
  4. Software engineer
  5. Data analyst

The avg salary of the python developer in India is 4, 22 lakh per year Java developer salary in India is 3, 86 lakh per year. From this, we will come to know that the python will earn more than the java developers. So the python career is the best and the graph will go on increasing in the future also.

Both the languages are in the graph and you can observe it carefully. As python is the easiest and quick learning language the development is also growing. The set of libraries and APT will support data analysis and data manipulation. Nowadays the python developer is paid more than the java and python career is growing faster. The java developers also have a good job Opportunities in the market.

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