Import Numpy in python | Installation of numpy in python

Import Numpy in python : In this tutorial, we are going to explain the importing and installation of numpy in python programming language. Basically, numpy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with python language. The n-dimensional array objects and the things are contained in the numpy package. If import numpy used then sub modules and functions in numpy module can be accessed in numpy. If we use the numpy as np then the name space will be created. If we use numpy import* then functions will be loaded into the local name-space. The numpy is fundamental package for the computing contains arrays and functions.

Installation of numpy in Python :-

To install the numpy library we use the anaconda, the use of anaconda comes with the libraries as numpy, scikit, etc.
conda install –c anaconda numpy
Then in the Jupiter notebook,
import sys
!conda install –yes==prefix {sys.prefix} numpy
The command used to import numpy is as,
import numpy as np
The code will rename the numpy name space to np.
It permits to prefix Numpy function and the attributes with”np” instead of the “numpy”.
To check the version of numpy that is installed is,



  1. In the windows we have to open the command prompt.
  2. Then change directory to scripts by the correct path.
  3. Then type the pip list
  4. pip install numpy-it is used to check the library that is installed in pc.

Pip list-it is an alternate method used.

Steps 2:-

    • Install the VC++ for windows for python
    • Then download the .whl file for numpy of 32 bit or 64 bit.
    • Then return command prompt as the administrator.
    • Then write pip install/file_location_of_.whl file/name with extension.
    • Same method is used for the installation of scipy and matplotlib.
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