Python automation testing tutorial | learn python automation testing

Python automation testing tutorial : learn python automation testing in Pune, India and online. The software testing is an important because it is performed and helps the developers to find out bugs and errors software. The testing is divided into two types as manual and automation testing. The syntax is less complicated than any other programming language. The testing is done without a plan is called exploratory testing. The manual testing requires a list of features of applications and different types of input that accept the result. Then as per our need, we can make the changes in code. The language comes with a tool and libraries to help and create the test for application. Testing of any software is the important part in development. The bugs and the errors included in the software are eliminated through the testing process. There are some tasks that are done manually through which are easy. Software testing is the process which consists of process so that output result will match the desired result.

Importance of python automation testing :-

The software testing is an important because it is performed and helps the developers to find out bugs and errors software.
The testing is divided into two types as manual and automation testing.
The testing is important for the accuracy of the software.
Software should be tested because the correction of software is costly after delivery in the market.
The use of testing is to identify bugs, quality of product and verify software.
Testing codes will catch the errors and mistakes in development

.Manual testing:-
The manual testing is done in some cases during the development phase.
The manual testing can also be done by developers and the changes are made as per requirement.
It will include the test case writing execution and evaluation part.

Automation testing:-

It is the method used in software testing and makes use of software tool is to control    execution of test and compare the actual test with expected result.
Automation is used to add additional testing and makes difficult for testing manually.
The automation testing uses the tool to control the execution of test and compare actual test result with the expected result.
The process is done automatically with no test engineer it will also add testing to resolve the problem of manual testing.
The automation testing will include the execution of the test plan and done by the script instead of human.
This technique will use the application to implement life cycle of software in less time which is effective to test.
This testing process is automatic and the tester will write scripts by own and use software to test.
The regression testing is the same as automation testing used to test application by functions as stress, load, and performance.
It uses an automation tool to write and execute the test cases.
No manual involvement is present there and testers write scripts, test cases using the tool.
The grouping is done of the test cases which are written and form test script.
The main goal of automation is to increase test efficiency and develop software value.
We enter the software and enter data into the system under test check the actual result and generate detailed report.
The tool is used to record test suite and replay as required and test automation tools.

Python automation testing

1) Automation is based on the phase of Testing:-

A) Automation of unit test:-

The test is during development phase and develops completion of developments and before handling system to a tester for testing.

B) Automation of API test:-

The test will run during the integration phase and run by a development team.
The target of testing is totally based on the response and request of application.

C) Automation of UI based test:-

The UI is based during the execution phase and run by the tester and run UI application over them.


2) Automation based on the type of testing:-

A) Automation of functional test:-
They are written to test behind the application. The automation is writing scripts skills to validate the business.
B) Automation non-functional test:-
The test will define the non-business requirement related to performing database, security, etc.


3) Automation based in the test:-

  1. Unit test:-They are building to test the application and build code itself.
  2. Smoke test:-it is a famous test performed in test life cycle and builds the test.
  3. APT test:-it is famous and build in API architecture perform testing.
  4. Integration: - it includes the testing of the application by an integration of all modules and checks functionality.
  5. UI:-it is done from frontend application and the target is testing functionality of an application.
  6. Regression tests:- The automation testing regression the test suite and the test is done at the module.
  7. Performance test:- They are nonfunctional test which the requirement like the load, stress, application.


4) Advantages of automation testing:-

  1. The automation testing will save time and money by making the testing efficient.
  2. It improves the accuracy of testing compared to the testing done by human begins.
  3. The test coverage increases because there are multiple tools deploying and allow for parallel testing of different test scenarios.
  4. They will help developers for finding bugs and errors more quickly.


5) Functions to automate using a tool as automation:-

The things that are automated are registration, form and login form.
The database connection, GUI items are tested using automatically instead of manually.

6) Steps for automation testing:-

  1. The area is identified within the software.
  2. Then we have to choose the tool for test automation.
  3.  We have to write the test scripts.
  4. Developing the test suits.
  5. Then we have to execute the test scripts.
  6. The result report is created.
  7. Then bugs are identified or the performance issue.

7) Benefits of automation testing:-

  1. The time is reduced for testing.
  2. Money is also saved.
  3. Productivity is increased.
  4. It will support many applications.
  5. The testing coverage is increased.
  6. The consistency is increased.
  7. Repetitive work is reduced.

8) Risk in automation testing is:- 

A) Cost is high:-

The big project will require testers and hiring manual testers is costly so you can use automation. But the cost is more and setup has tool purchasing and maintenance of high cost.
So after the investment, if companies will not get benefit then the company will get lost.

B) Automation testing is not 100%:-

This testing is not 100% and has areas like regression testing, performance testing, and load testing.
Some areas like documentation, installation, UI where the testing is done manually.

C) Tester should have good programming knowledge:-

The tester should have the programming knowledge to use the tool in a better manner and resolve the applications.
The tool selection is done by the AUT ad use QTP not to support the informatics.

9) Scope of automation testing:-

  1. There are common functionalities
  2. The complexity of the test cases.
  3. The scenario has large data.
  4. The business components are reused.
  5. The ability to use the same test case for browser testing.
  6. Test execution:-

10) Planning, Development, and design:-

  1. The designing of the framework.
  2. Then automate selected tool
  3. The timeline and schedule of scripting
  4. The automation testing us deliverable.
  5. The out scope and in scope is automated

The scripts are executed as it needs the input data before they are set to run.
The execution is carried out using the automation tool through a test management tool.
It will have execution during the night which saves time.


It maintains to improve the effectiveness of the automation scripts.

The software testing is automated:-

  1. Unit testing.
  2. Smoke testing.
  3. Integration testing.
  4. Functional testing.
  5. Keyword testing.
  6. Data-driven.
  7. Black box testing.
  8. Regression testing.

Following tools are used for automation tool are:-

  1. Selenium
  2. HP Quick Test Professional
  3. WATIR
  4. Visual Studio Test professionals
  5. IBM rational tester
  6. Test complete
  7. Win runner
  8. Load runner
  9. Skill test

Ranorex studio:-

It is known as the all in one tool used for functional testing and also for data-driven.
It is easy to use and click to automate the test for desktop and web applications.

The features are as follows:-

 Includes the cross-browser testing
 End to end testing us done
 Android and ios testing
 The remote and local testing us has done
 Reporting robust.

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