Python requests post headers

Python requests post headers Tutorial: If the {filename: fileobject} dictionary is passed in (files=…) a multipart encode upload will be performed.  And if CookieJar object is passed in (cookies=…) then cookies will be sent with the request.

GET Requests:-
requests. get (url.params= {}, header= {}, header= {}, cookies=none, auth=none)
Response [200]
HEAD Requests:-
requests. get (url, parms= {}, headers= {}, cookies=none, auth=none)
Response [200]
PUT Requests:-
requests. get (url, parms= {}, headers= {}, cookies=none, auth=none)
Response [200]
POST Requests:-
Requests. get (url, data= {}, header= {}, cookies=none, auth=none)
Response [200]
DELETE Requests:-
Requests. Delete (url.params= {}, header= {}, cookies=none, auth=none)
Response [200]


import httplib2
http = httplib2.Http()
content = http. request ("") [1]
print(content. decode ())
The HTTP client is created with httplib2 HTTP ().
A new HTTP request is created by request () method by default, it is a GET request.

The post () method will send a POST request to the specified url.
This method is used when you want to send some data to server.


import requests
url = 'https: //'
myobj = {'somekey': 'somevalue'}
x =, data = myobj)
The args means zero or more of the arguments in the parameter table. (url, data = myobj, timeout=2.50)
Parameter Values:-




The list of tuples, bytes or file objects to send to the specified url.


The JSON object is used to send the url to it.


the files to send to the specified url


It enable/disable redirection.
Default True 


A String or Tuple specifying a cert file or key.
Default None


Also used to send to the specified url.
Default None


Used to send to the specified url.
Default None


To install requests, simply as,
$pip install requests
$easy_install request
Get request is used to request the data from the server.
Following is the syntax to make a get request,
Import requests
Res=requests. get (‘url’)
The post request is used to submit the data to be processed to the server.
Import requests
Payload= {‘key 1’:’value1’} (‘url’, data=payload)
We a look and pass parameters to the url using the get request.
Here the passing parameters in a url is simple as making a get request.


Import requests
Payload= {‘key 1’,’value1’,’key2’:’value2’}
Res=requests. get (‘url’, params=payload)
Print (res.url)
Then check status of code,
Import requests
            Res=requests. get (‘url’)
Print (res.status_code ())

Errors and Exceptions:-

  1. The network problem requests will raise a ConnectionError exception.
  2. And the response.raise_for_status () will raise an HTTP error when there is unsuccessful status code.
  3. At timeout it will raise a Timeout exception
  4. The exception is raised if the request exceeds the configured number of maximum number of redirects.

It is secured than the GET because entering values is invisible in URL.
The limit is lager on amount of data which is passed.
The post request is not cached.
Bookmarking in URL is not possible as data is invisible.
They will not remain in the browser history.

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