Python websocket server Tutorial

Python websocket server Tutorial: The websocket is the library for building the websocket servers and clients in the python language. The websocket will focus on the simplicity and correctness in python programming. The WebSocket is a standard protocol used for two-way data transfer between a client and a server. It is the protocol that does not run over HTTP instead it is separate implementation on top of the Transmission control protocol.  The WebSocket server is an application that listens on any TCP port server that follows a protocol calls WS. Websockets is the Python package that creates socket servers and clients to allow the communication between the two parties. It is a co-routine that is based API built on top of the standard asynchronous I/O framework. A webSocket connection will allow a full-duplex communication between a client and a server. It can push data to the other through an established connection. The data channels are important HTTP used for opening a connection for the server. It is standardized by IETF as RFC TCP connection and API in IDL.
Designed to implement the web browsers and servers and used in any client/server application.
WebSocket protocol makes the interaction between a browser and a web server. The communications are done over port of TCP which beneficial for environments which block non-web Internet connections. The protocol specification will define ws and wss as two new uniform resource identifier schemes used for the unencrypted and encrypted connections.
It is supported in browsers including Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Firefox. They will require web applications on the server to support it. The web applications will implement long polling via frequent Asynchronous JavaScript and XML requests. You should use the latest version of Python if you’re using an older version.


Pip install websockets


Import asyncio
Import websockets
Async def hello (websocket, path):
Name=await websocket.recv ()
Print(f”< {name}”)
Greetings=f”Hello {name}!”
Await websocket.send (greeting)
Print(f”< {greeting}”)
Start_Server=websockets.serve (hello,”localhost”, 8765)
Asyncio.get_event_loop ().run_until_complete (start_server)
Asyncio.get_event_loop ().run_forever ()
The websockets will execute the handler co routine hello once for each WebSocket connection at the server side.
It will close the connection when the handler co routine returns.
By using connect () as an asynchronous context manager that ensures the connection is closed before exiting the hello co routine.
Websocket handshakes process them and then send clients to the WebSocket server.
It is the protocol designed to work with existing web infrastructure design the WebSocket starts as an HTTP connection.
It starts a connection with full backward compatibility with the pre-WebSocket world.
The client will send an Upgrade header as,

---request header---



Protocol: DDP

It will support the DDP protocol that allows for real-time latency compensated pub/sub.

Integrated WebSockets

This supports for WebSockets is integrated into the service and webSockets and
HTTP connection may terminate on the same host and port.


It is a transport-level between synchronous Django and asynchronous part.

Asynchronous mechanism

The service used to provide multiple asynchronous WebSocket connections.

Protocol: WAMP

They will support WAMP protocol providing the real-time pub-sub and RPC over WebSockets.


Used in real-time applications when the UI needs to be updated without the client’s request for data.
WebSockets are faster for using AJAX polling that uses HTTP.
Also used in gaming and chat Applications.

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