In this tutorial, you will learn about identifiers and python identifiers examples. Identifiers are unique name given to the particular variable. The python identifiers are the name given to identify class, function, variables etc. The python can be the combination of upper case(A-Z) ,lower case (a-z)and numeric(0-9) digits(underscore characters).
The main point is that keywords, special symbols are not used as identifiers.
Now python is case sensitive programming language that means “Variable” and “variable” is not the same.
Python language is the rules to create meaningful identifiers.
Python does not allow punctuation characters as @, #, $.
Variable identifier means value is changeable over time.
Creating identifiers in python:-
Class name start with upper case letter and all identifier start with lower case letter.
For creating identifiers we can use lower case, upper case alphabets or digits.
If the identifier is starting with “_” underscore it means identifier is private.