Python time module tutorial : The Python time module system is explained in this point. Every computer system has the clock specified with the date and time zone. In python the time module has the ability to read, reset and represent the time information. The python has the module named time to handle the time related tasks. The time module is popular in python and provides functions while working with time and converting between the representations. Function of time time() returns the current system time. The name is time has the function defined in the module and need to import the module first.
import time
print('The current time is:', time.time())
Output: –
The current time is: 1504634843.100376
gmtime(sec) :-
This function will return a structure with the 9 values and each will represent a time attribute in sequence.
It will convert seconds into time attributes (days, years, months etc.) till specified seconds.
If no seconds are mentioned then time is calculated till present.
Below example shows:-
Index Attributes Values
0 tm_year 2008
1 tm_mon 1 to 12
2 tm_mday 1 to 31
Same like the time.time() function compute the wall clock time the time. Clock returns the processor clock time.
Use of the time. Clock () is for the performance testing and time () to schedule.
The output of the clock () function reflect the right time by the program and it is more accurate than its counterpart.
However, the exact behavior may vary with the OS you are using.
It could return process time ignore the time to sleep.
It could count the time elapsed even when the process was inactive.
The time in seconds since the epoch as input and translates into a human readable string value as per local time.
If there is no argument it will call the time() function and will return the current time.
The execution of current thread for specific number of seconds,
You also can pass the floating point values as the argument to register more sleep time.
The program may not suspend the exact time and signal will end the sleep time.
Using the sleep function our program can pause for given no of seconds and is useful function in case like need to wait for the file to finish database.
Import time
Print(“start execution”)
Print(“Waiting for second”)
Print(“End execution”)
Begin execution: wens ot 11 00:27 2019
Waiting for second
End execution: sund Sep 12 00:25 2019
time.struct_time class:-
The time.struct_time is the only data structure which is present in the time module.
The name tuple interface is accessible to index and attribute name.
The class is useful need to access the specific data(year, month).
asctime(“time”) :-
The function will take a time attribute string produced by gmtime() and will returns 24 character string denote time.