Simple linear regression in python : The linear regression is one of the most important and widely used regression techniques.
If you want to become better statistician a data scientist or machine learning engineer go through linear regression.
They help to wrap head around the subject of regression analysis. It is the simplest regression method and its advantage is the ease of interpreting result.
We will discuss the basic of linear regression and its implementation in Python programming language.
Linear regression is a statistical approach for relationship between a dependent variable with a given set of independent variable.
Features of linear regression are two types of supervised machine learning algorithms of Regression and classification.
The former will predict continuous value output while the latter predict the discrete outputs.
The predicting price of a house in dollars is a regression problem whereas predicting a tumor is a classification problem.
We will study what linear regression is and how it can be implemented for both two variables and multiple variables by using Sicker-Learn.
It is popular machine learning libraries for Python and regression will search for relationships among variables.
Linear models are independent ally and identically distributed for errors with hetroscedasticity.
The module allow the estimation by ordinary least squares (OLS) weighted least squares (WLS) generalize least squares (GLS) and feasible generalize the term “linearity”. If we draw this relationship in a two-dimensional space we get a straight line.
Linear regression will perform the task to predict a dependent variable value (y) and s based on a given independent variable (x).
This regression technique will find out a linear relationship between x (input) and y (output) and called as “linear regression”.
If we plot the independent variable (x) on the x-axis and dependent variable (y) on the y-axis the linear regression will give us a straight line that best fits the data points.
The following steps are followed.
While implementing a simple linear regression you start with a given set of input output (𝑥-𝑦) pairs (green circles).
The leftmost observation (green circle) has the input 𝑥 = 5 and actual output (response) 𝑦 = 5.
The next one has 𝑥 = 15 and 𝑦 = 20, and so on.
The regression function has the equation as (𝑥) = 𝑏₀ + 𝑏₁𝑥.
Our goal is to calculate the optimal values of the predicted weights 𝑏₀ and 𝑏₁ that will minimize SSR and determine the estimated regression function.
The value of 𝑏₀ is called as intercept and will show the point where the estimated regression line crosses the 𝑦 axis.
The value of the estimated response (𝑥) for 𝑥 = 0 and the value of 𝑏₁ will determine the slope of the estimated regression line.
The predicted response (red squares) are the points on the regression line and that will correspond to input values.
For the input 𝑥 = 5 the predicted response is (5) = 8.33 (represented with the leftmost red square).
The residuals (vertical dashed gray lines) can be calculated as 𝑦ᵢ - (𝐱ᵢ) = 𝑦ᵢ - 𝑏₀ - 𝑏₁𝑥ᵢ for 𝑖 = 1, 𝑛.
They are the distances between the green circles and red squares.
If you are trying to minimize distance and make the red squares as close to the predefined green circles as possible.
There are two kinds of variables in a linear regression model as follows:-
To estimate Y using linear regression,
Yₑ = α + β X
Where Yₑ is the estimated value of Y and based on our linear equation.
We need to find statistically significant values of the parameters α and β that minimize the difference between Y and Yₑ.
To determine the optimum values of these two parameters we will have the line of best fit that can use to predict the values of Y given the value of X.
We can use a method called ordinary least squares.